
Even Elon Musk has been fooled by Sam Harris, who is recruiting atheists, psychologists and billionaire Libertarians into his cult through the Lamas’ ‘Dzogchen’ ruse: the sexy new name for the Bon occult Tibetan Lamaism to fool Young Global Leaders. Even though Tibetan Lamaism, and its guru-worshipping, despotic kleptocracy kept its own people enslaved for over a thousand years, and very young females as sexual consorts for the Lamas. WAKE UP PROGRESSIVES. Oh, that’s right they are in a cult, I forgot. They can’t hear facts anymore. Does anyone notice that yet? They are plowing along like religious fanatics they have always been, while pointing the finger at Christians and conservatives, whom they disparage as the Cult inside their many spin-off groups; including Anti-Cult sites.

Christine Chandler June 5, 2021

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